Kerby Peak (Selma, Ore.)

Rating (Out of 5): 4.0

Location: Near Selma, Ore.

Distance: 2 miles round-trip to rock overlook; 7 miles round-trip to summit

Difficulty: Difficult

Camping: yes

Quick hit: The views are plentiful on this Illinois Valley hike that climbs about 2,600 feet on a steep trail.

The upside to this hike are obvious. The views abound, especially near the summit, where panoramic views of the Illinois Valley and distant mountains are fantastic and continuous. The forest isn’t old-growth, but it’s quite nice.

The downside is the climb. The trail is well-maintained and easy to follow, but it stays quite steep for much of the climb.

There is a wonderful overlook from a large rock at the 1 mile mark. After about 1.5 miles, the trail hits a mountain pass and swings onto the peak’s south side. There are great and open views for much of the rest of the trail.

The hike is both level and steep by turns for the rest of the route, climbing past interesting and craggy rocks before hitting the flat-top summit, which is marked by a stack of rocks.

Directions: From Selma, turn left onto Deer Creek Road (County Road 5070). Proceed 8 miles to White Creek Road (38-6-18) on a paved road that eventually becomes one-lane, and veer right across a bridge. (There’s a marker for Kerby Peak Trail). Drive another 0.5 miles and turn left onto East Fork of White Creek Road (the second left) and continue 3 miles to the trailhead. The trailhead is quite obvious and well-marked.

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